What’s in the Program

Designed to work best over an eight-week period, each week takes one to two hours plus practice time. Start when you’re ready and go at your own pace. You’ll have access to the course and coaching for one full year.

Week One: Escape the Tinnitus TRAP with ACE

  • How the TRAP Response drives tinnitus distress

  • How to break free of tinnitus with the ACE Response

  • Stages of Recovery from tinnitus distress

  • What to expect over the course of recovery 

Week Two: Build Your ACE Toolkit

  • Begin building your CBT toolkit

  • Learn evidence-based CBT strategies to address insomnia

  • Learn evidence-based CBT strategies to address anxiety, annoyance, sadness, grief

  • Learn about common medications for insomnia and anxiety

Week Three: How to Work Through the Stages

  • Normalize the wide range of tinnitus volumes, sounds and patterns

  • Adapt your ACE skills for challenging patterns, like reactive, variable and pulsatile tinnitus

  • Learn to apply CBT to sound sensitivity and hyperacusis

  • Learn how to work through the Stages of Recovery from tinnitus distress

Week Four: Take a Recovery Perspective on Your Tinnitus

  • Learn and apply a recovery perspective on tinnitus

  • Decatastrophize and Deawfulize tinnitus

  • Detach from recurring unhelpful worries and doubts about tinnitus

Week Five: The Why & How of Tinnitus Acceptance 

  • Learn the wisdom of acceptance

  • Demystify tinnitus tinnitus acceptance

  • Apply CBT skills to promote tinnitus acceptance

Week Six: Mindfulness of Sound & Emotion 

  • Learn practical attentional strategies to help with accepting tinnitus

  • Learn to apply mindfulness to concentrate and sleep better with tinnitus

  • Learn to be in the present moment, despite what tinnitus is doing, and to engage fully in life

Week Seven: Take Courageous Action to Fully Rejoin Your Life 

  • Learn to apply your ACE skills in service of fully rejoining all areas of life lost to tinnitus

  • Learn a powerful CBT strategy called graded exposure 

  • Learn to apply hearing protection to enter louder settings safely

Week Eight: Maintain Improvement & Surf Through Setbacks 

  • Learn to handle setbacks

  • Learn how to maintain your improvement for the years and decades to come