ACE Your Tinnitus: CBT, Mindfulness & Habituation

ACE Your Tinnitus is an online, self-guided tinnitus relief course based on Dr Hubbard’s extensive experience as a cognitive behavioral psychologist and tinnitus treatment expert. A world-renowned authority who also has tinnitus, Bruce teaches from the heart, weaving in helpful illustrations from his personal suffering and full recovery through habituation.

What You Get

  • Two 45 minute one-on-one meetings with Dr. Hubbard

  • Weekly Group Coaching with Dr. Hubbard

  • Weekly video lessons, worksheets, guided mindfulness exercises, additional resources

  • There is no time pressure. Go at your own pace.

What’s Covered?

Bruce has carefully selected the most current CBT concepts and skills to create the most up to date, tinnitus relief course available. Skills include:

  • Careful Thinking: Learn the facts about tinnitus and habituation to develop and maintain a habituation perspective to guide your recovery.

  • Mindfulness of Sound: When used correctly, mindfulness is more than a relaxation strategy. Mindfulness helps us accept and coexist with tinnitus, to hear the sounds without getting swept up in the distress reaction, and to redirect our attention on the process to the hard work of moving on.

  • Self-Guided Sound Therapy: There is no need to spend thousands of dollars on sound therapy. You’ll learn to use sound enrichment to help with tinnitus as needed through low cost streaming devices and freely available sounds.

  • Take Courageous Action to Fully Rejoin Your Life: Your new coping skills put into service toward your goal of resuming all of the valued activities lost to tinnitus, to achieve full tinnitus relief, to feel and function like yourself again.

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