
You've reached the success story submission page for Dr. Bruce Hubbard and the TinnitusCare habituation coaching program. Thanks in advance for your help! Your testimonial will inspire others to get the help they need with their tinnitus and hearing issues. 

To get you started, I’ve included a few questions, but please feel free to write whatever you like. (Please note that I am now calling my program TinnitusCare, which is based on Cognitive Behavior Therapy/CBT. In referring to the program, feel free to use "Cognitive Behavior Therapy", "CBT" or "TinnitusCare".)

  • What prompted you to seek help from me and my program?

  • What specific tinnitus/hearing problems did you need to solve?

  • How did you benefit from working with me and my program (can you name one or two specific improvements)?

  • What exactly did I / my program do to contribute to this outcome?

  • What type of person do you believe might most benefit from working with me/my program?

  • How would you like your name and profession posted? Options are: your first name and last initial, or a pseudonym, and actual or related profession.

Thank You!